October 22, 2018

The Plants are Growing & Amazon Banned Me

Crazy post title, I know, but suitable.

I want to introduce y'all to one of my other blogs - which I started because... Amazon banned me from writing reviews on their site! Yep. I think I got caught up in some algorithm hijinks and, well, I can keep my Prime account but I can't submit product reviews.

Since I had 300+ reviews that Amazon deleted, I am basically rewriting and posting them on my Banned by Amazon blog. It's going to take forever to rewrite them all, but so far, I have 4 either posted or scheduled to post for this week. So go over and take a look. There are a couple of items for plants you might want to read up on.

Also, I want to hear from you all about any plant-related items you can recommend or that you would like to see reviewed. I can't promise anything, but I will try to review some of the suggested items.

Meantime, my plants say Hello!


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